Saturday, December 15, 2012

A heavy heart....

I just cannot find it in me today to post the "Twelve Days of Christmas" series that we have been posting this past week for the Christmas Holiday as we as a nation are with heavy hearts today.

This morning the spirit is just not in me as we have a town, a state, a nation in mourning...
mourning for God's new angels, the children and their teachers who were so horrifically taken from us yesterday and we also mourn for the parents who will never see their babies grow up, the spouses who will never give their wife or husband a kiss again and for the children who will never be able to hug their mom or dad again.

The children, so innocent and full of wonder, going to school feeling they were safe yet unknowing that in such a short time they would be taken away from this earth.

 I ask myself in sadness and anger what is wrong with our world, our society, our nation that this type of tragedy can occur and cause such pain and sorrow….where did we go wrong…what can we do to bring back the feeling of safety and security that I experienced when I was growing up.

As we are all preparing for our holidays at home with our family and loved ones take a moment and say a prayer for those who lost their lives on Friday and for our nation and the world that we live in.
May their someday be Peace on Earth.

Peace & Love to all,

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